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Pitch Deck

Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is an irreplaceable presentation resource that introduces your film, and allows your reader to immediately understand it. Each pitch deck will include a cover page, a synopsis, a mood board, and the director’s intent. It will also include any additional elements or talents that you have already attached, such as writers, directors, producers, DOP etc. Finally, introduce your confirmed or anticipated cast members, and your distribution strategy if you have one. Include links to to your sizzle reel or proof of concept for a winning combination.

A well-designed pitch deck is the best way to present the world you envision for your film and allow readers to immediately connect with it. Use a pitch deck to give your film the best chance attract investors, executive producers, collaborators, sponsors and crowdfunders and reach the big screen.




Development, Documentation, Pitch, Pitch Deck, Presentation, Project